Have fillable PDF forms that we can send out through the portal
Having a fillable PDF form option that we can send out through eclosings would be useful when sending out any packet that the client needs to fill out. They can fill it out directly from the attachment and send it back rather than having to print ...
We have a person who handles all of our post-closing. By adding a Post-Closer option (like we have a Processor), the post-closer could receive notifications once the "closing" event has been checked off. Further, they could also receive reminders ...
A client intake form would allow a buyer/seller to enter all their information (names, addresses, payoffs, preferred closing date, closing location, etc, etc) into a form (in the portal?). All this data then be merged into a file.
option to add other title company info for seller docs only preparation
sometimes, I prepare seller's documents only for closings being handled by another title company. I would like an option to add the other company's name (without changing my name on every file) so I can generate the seller's documents with the the...
Vendor List when working in HUD or CD - should be able to have a "default" for each type of vendor
along with the excessive click to uncheck in the document section - when working on CD or HUD you should be able to have a pop up or default vendor for each type (title, lien search, survey) and then populate the sections instead of having to clic...
It would be great if you could change several Alerts into Notes by selecting multiple ones at a time. We use a lot of alerts in the system and then once completed need to go back and change to notes. It is very cumbersome to have to do 1 at a time...
Sometimes there are sellers who are not on title, but they can still claim homestead. The property use type is a blanket option, so it is applying to ALL sellers. We need an option for documents, such as the deeds, to either pull or not pull selle...