It would be EXTREMELY helpful when we need to search for a file if we could leave it as is to search all files OR have the option to choose if we're searching for only an- Active, Cancelled or Closed file. This would alleviate having to plow throu...
It would be helpful if there was a place to make instructional notes in Escrow Accounting (e.g., seller requested wire for proceeds, FedEx proceeds check and legal fee to seller's attorney)
Click to have same office as Listing and Selling Broker
Option to click "same" when the listing office and selling office are the same. Thinking of the time it would save not having to scroll thru all the Remax or Coldwell choices again to find exact same office. ALSO - ability to choose broker first t...
When checks are generated automatically save a PDF copy to the file with check number. When brokers or other third party, auditor, etc. asks for a copy of a check it can easily be shared and will could help with escrow reconciliation if problems o...
Allow for scheduling report generation to receive emailed reports. Would like to be able to do this directly in the UI and not make a custom report request.
Add option on title page for selecting who pays for endorsements. Be able to select buyer or seller expense.
Currently, it does not give you the option to select who pays for the endorsements on the owner's policy. For example, the owner may pay for the basic OTP, but it may be the buyer's expense if an endorsement on the OTP is wanted or needed.
The bright white background is tiring to my eyes and seems to strain my eyes. I would like the option of changing the background color, or incorporating the previous whiteboard look of blue and white "lines". Perhaps using a darker black font agai...
Currently there is an option to add a column for notes but it is the whole file notes. I'd like to have the option to just show us if there are notes tagged to that specific event and when you click on it see those.