Add disbursement date under closing date in the file summary screen
At a quick glance you could see the details instead of scrolling down and seeing disbursement date under the financial info on the file summary screen.
We have numerous Associations, and the dropdown menu is not alphabetical, making it difficult and time consuming to find the Association we are look for.
Disbursement Register that EXCLUDES Voided Transactions
Voids happen and they crowd the bank detail report making it really time consuming and difficult to discern actual valid disbursements from voided ones.
about 3 years ago
in E-Closing Core
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
On the financial page, for the realtors, rahter than pulling down menos and scrolling until you find the one you want, can you make it so it recognizes text being typed so we have faster access?
Because scrolling down when you have dozens and dozens of broker names is wasted time
There is only one place for buyer's address which is the current address. We need a future address like it is in the Seller pages so that once the property is closed when can reflect the new address on the Deed integration of buyer's new address. ...
It is extremely difficult to locate associations, especially when they start with the same word, such as 'palm'. It would be a lot easier if the drop down menu was alphabetical.
It would be super helpful if once lender packages were uploaded they could be printed directly from E-Closing with the proper settings - IE Print on Legal AND Letter sized paper. Currently, we need to upload the package outside of E-Closing and th...