Adding a new company type to the Rolodex the Company drop down menu
Perhaps adding more company type selections for New Rolodex Company additions would come in handy for law firms, accountants, engineers, surveyors, architects, and other professional services i.e. Partnership, LLC etc
Sometimes the commission is split unevenly between buyer and seller, i.e. for the buyer's agent 1% is paid by buyer and 2% is paid by seller. This is not possible to split in the current set up.
When downloading a document, it would be extremely helpful if it downloaded with the name of the document. For example, I name all uploaded documents but then when I download them it changes the name of the documents. Same when downloading a CD or...
Perhaps adding (unless I don't see it) a selection for a designated lender Attorney similar to the Attorney data entry fields for the Buyers and Sellers would be a good idea?
On my third day of Closing Vue. I love the feature of being able to email documents directly from Closing Vue. However, one of the lenders I was emailing had to confirm it was from me. Are we able to add/personalize our emails that are sent out fr...
Qualia allows you to fill in the check memo area with information ie. insurance loan number / last name or whatever you'd like that prints on the check more professionally than adding it on the check once printed. Is this proprietary to Qualia? Or...
I think it would be extremely useful to have an option/button in the property information tab to send the legal description exclusively to an Exhibit "A", with a note in the body 'See attached Exhibit "A"' or something similar. This would save tim...
Ability to create Return Shipping labels or Edit the from information
We do not have the option of creating a return label without first creating a label TO that person. My suggestion would be to incorporate an edit field for the FROM information as well...