We need a separate field for the amortization period since it is actually quite common to have (for example) a ten year loan, amortized over 20 years. Meaning, the payment amount is based on paying the loan over 20 years, but the maturity date is ...
Commission still is not working right. If the deposits is $20,000 and $10 is going to listing an $5,000 is going to cobroker. If I'm paying cobroker at closing I should check off the box "create a disbursement" and the system should calculate the ...
2 months ago
in ClosingVue
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
Auto Calculation of 1031 payment to intermediary in 1031 sale
Why not make a check box that automatically makes a line item payoff to the QI for sales of 1031 that way if the cash to seller changes it auto updates.
A client intake form would allow a buyer/seller to enter all their information (names, addresses, payoffs, preferred closing date, closing location, etc, etc) into a form (in the portal?). All this data then be merged into a file.
There should be the ability for "This Company" to not be the default for settlement agent/closing agent. Not always are documents drafted wherein the closing agent is "This Company" so having the ability to have other entities be considered the ti...
Jennifer Cohen
7 months ago
in ClosingVue / Enhancements
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
Contacts change companies. It would be better to assign a contact to a company instead of deleting the contact from one company to add them to another.
It would be great to be able to add the percent of seller credit OR a flat amount. Most contracts I'm seeing these days are a seller credit for a percent of the sale price. Thank you!
For an entity we should be able to add lines between the signatures of multiple signors so the signature block has more room. We should be able to view the signature block to see what it will look like without going to document management to creat...