Allow Users access to API or more Web-hooks to develop custom integrations
With the growing usage of API and services like Zapier and Integromat, I find that many features can be more easily developed by allowing us, the users, some access to call or hooks of certain information so we can transmit to external services.
Add % of ownership for multiple borrowers/buyers in a purchase sale transaction (like it exists in the seller section).
This would be helpful when generating the documents to automatically reflect the % of ownership of each buyer (especially in the Warranty Deed) so that no manual entry is needed.
Can we have the ability to choose who goes on the CPL?
If we have two buyers but only one is going on the loan, there is no way to remove the one that is a non borrowing buyer. Can we have an option to "deselect" a buyer if needed? This may also have something to do with the options under the buyer ta...
We need a separate field for the amortization period since it is actually quite common to have (for example) a ten year loan, amortized over 20 years. Meaning, the payment amount is based on paying the loan over 20 years, but the maturity date is ...
A client intake form would allow a buyer/seller to enter all their information (names, addresses, payoffs, preferred closing date, closing location, etc, etc) into a form (in the portal?). All this data then be merged into a file.
Contacts change companies. It would be better to assign a contact to a company instead of deleting the contact from one company to add them to another.
It would be great to be able to add the percent of seller credit OR a flat amount. Most contracts I'm seeing these days are a seller credit for a percent of the sale price. Thank you!