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Workspace ClosingVue
Categories Enhancements
Created by Mary Margaret Stacy
Created on Mar 16, 2023

Put PRINT button directly on the CD / HUD view screen either at the top or bottom

I propose a feature that would allow the user to generate a CD / HUD right on the CD/HUD maintenance screen. This would be a logical and time saving feature. We already have a doc package called prelim CDs, but it would be so much easier to simply click "print" while on the maintenance screen. This system would obviously default to the CD type already selected. This would allow the user to be done with the task at hand rather than the current alternative, which is 1 - close the window 2 - open menu 3 - go to document management 4 - wait for the system to load packagages - 5 - locate package - 6 - click on package - 7 - unclick check all - 8 - click on CD. For one closing, a CD can go through anywhere between 1 revision and in extreme cases, dozens of revisisons - Much of the time (not necessarily always), there is a sequence of making corrections then immediately re-distributing the revised CD, so relatively, it is very time consuming to repeat this sequence of events just to get printed out what is on the screen in front of you. Please consider this.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Alyssa LeMay
    Mar 17, 2023


    We are updating the Settlement Statements and do plan on adding a function to generate the Settlement Statement from the screen.



Printing from Closing Disclosure Maintenance

When working on a CD or HUD in the “Closing Disclosure Maintenance” it would be great to be able to generate or quick print directly from that part of ECDT rather than having to go back into the doc management part of the program
Gregory Gefen over 1 year ago in E-Closing Core / New Features 1 In Progress

Add print option to CD and/or HUD screens

Add a print option the the CD and HUD screens similar to the print option in the new text description screen so users can generate CD or HUD without having to navigate to the document management screen.
Guest about 1 year ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 0 In Progress