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Workspace E-Closing Connect
Categories Integrations
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 15, 2023


I wish there was a place that showed you that you ordered a bringdown and what date sometimes I dont remember if I did or didnt order one

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  • Admin
    Sara Casto
    Aug 25, 2023

    Thank you for your feedback. Bringdowns can be ordered through many of our integrations as an actual product which would reflect as another order placed. However, some are simply just a note being sent through the integration to request the bringdown. In those cases you should see an automated note in your file indicating a request has been sent.
    You could also add an event to your checklists or just to the file that you can use to track this. If you need help setting up events please feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance or view the resources in the help center by clicking on the question mark in the bottom right corner and searching for "events".