A new feature which was implemented which does not allow accents or any special characters hinders the use of drag & drop into the Scanned/Saved Documents. Third parties often save their documents with an "apostrophes" and "&", or their reference in the email contains certain special characters. You are unable to drag & drop unless you resave or resend email to yourself without these characters. Added work and time which we do not have. Please fix this issue. Thank you.
THANK YOU for implementing this idea! Have a great day����
[Shape Description automatically generated with low confidence]
Debra J. Buttorff
Title Agent
High Point Settlement, LLC
201 Basin Street, Unit 14D
Williamsport, PA 17701
570.325.0178 (o) x 101 | 570.971.2603 (m)
debbie@highpointsettlement.com | highpointsettlement.com