Hello! It would be nice if for the Borrower’s info screen, under Address, under Forwarding address, there was also a “Copy from Property” button in addition to the “Copy from Current Address” button.
We often use the buyer's current mailing address throughout the transaction processing, but have to manually enter the property address on the forwarding address screen if they intend to occupy the property post-closing.
Agreed! In most cases, the buyer's forwarding address will be the Property not the Current address. Adding this button will greatly improve efficiency. It's already built in for the Current Address tab, now we just need the same button on the Forwarding Address tab.
Agreed! In most cases, the buyer's forwarding address will be the Property not the Current address. Adding this button will greatly improve efficiency. It's already built in for the Current Address tab, now we just need the same button on the Forwarding Address tab.