Add Paralegal contact information to the main screen
Most Attorney's do not handle their own files, usually a Paralegal handles the transaction. While there is the ability to add a Paralegal to the Rolodex, this information does not populate on the main screen.
Can you set up the file summary page to show paralegal contact information for attorneys representing buyers and sellers? It would be nice to have a quick email link to click on. The paralegals are often the primary contact for a file.
Add the paralegal's name and email to the file summary screen underneath the attorney's name
Not having the paralegals name and email defeats the purpose of adding it to the rolodex. If I can't see it on the screen, I don't know if there is a paralegal who should be copied and there's no efficient way to get their email address. Like any ...
Typically we are communicating with the paralegals rather than the attorneys. It would be helpful to have the paralegal contact info visible on the summary page.
This was released in the new ClosingVue that came out this weekend. We hope you like updates, including this idea from you!
Thank you and please keep the ideas coming!
Yes please! The paralegal's name and email should be on the main screen because only like 2% percent of attorneys handle their own real estate files.
Please also add the email address for the paralegal to the main screen