It would be helpful to be able to look up a prior lender file to see, for instance, if they require their note mailed separate from their other pkg for purposes of proper initial fee disclosre. The beginning processor never knows any of those answers. Or to look up how they want their construction CD prepared as they all vary greatly. Or to look up by agents or offices to quickly generate a monthly business report of who sends you most business. Or if you remember you closed a certain file two Month's ago with a certain agent, and you want to copy a form or something from that file & you remember the agent but not the customer's names. For these and many others reasons this would be a super helpful tool.
I am currently viewing the available search fields on the whiteboard. I still do not see functionality allowing to search by lender (or loan officer). Only available fields - location, seller, borrower, file no., lookup no., policy no., condo assn and book/page. Can search by lender be implemented?