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Workspace E-Closing Core
Categories New Features
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 18, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit COREX-I-592 Alert to save.

automatically save as we transition through the maintenance file for Buyer, Seller, Financial, etc. screens Merged

Our other Real Estate software automatically saved data as we jumped to a different section without us having to remember. As you are aware, Real Estate transactions are extremely time consuming and we are dealing with multiple interruptions therefore losing our place in the data entry section of the maintenance file.

Can you adapt the software to automatically save as we transition between screens on the maintenace file for Buyer, Seller, Financial, etc.

  • Admin
    Alyssa LeMay
    Mar 21, 2022


    We are looking in to implementing an alert message asking if you wish to leave the page without saving.

    Please stay tuned for future releases for this feature.
