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Status Future Consideration
Workspace E-Closing Core
Categories Closing Portal
Created by Jason Horr
Created on May 18, 2022

Auto reminder emails and direct doc upload from reminder email

When requesting info from clients, to piggy back off the events menu. Sending out auto emails until request received saying something like "We are still in need of your Real Estate Commission. Please click on the tab to upload the document". Also having a direct upload link to the file (document uploader) for the requested doc without having to login to the portal. Quilia does this and it looks and works good.

Some clients don't use the portal as intended and the reminder emails they have a message sometimes falls on deaf ears.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Alyssa LeMay
    Jan 8, 2024


    We would look at implementing this in the Closing Portal, where notificiation preferences is already set up.


  • Stephen Norman
    Jul 1, 2022

    I'd like to be able to send a text reminder to clients to remind them of things. I think they see texts more than emails.