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Workspace ClosingVue
Categories Enhancements
Created by Gayle Hurst
Created on May 2, 2024

Add Notes to each Page/Contact

Updated summary: Would like to be able to add notes to each contact/tab so you don't have to sort through the notes on file summary.

There are three phases of a file here. It would be helpful to be able to have a check list for each phase.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Alyssa LeMay
    May 7, 2024

    I updated the subject and summary to more accurately describe what you are looking for.

    Thank you for your feedback.

  • Admin
    Alyssa LeMay
    May 7, 2024


    Thank you for the clarification. You are looking for Notes on each page then, not multiple checklists. We are planning on adding a Notes field for Contacts and also on the Borrower/Seller pages.


    1 reply
  • Arilee Ortiz
    May 6, 2024

    No, I'm talking about quick notes for yourself or other people on your team for that particular tab, i.e., sellers must be kept separate, and don't forget to add a special document in the closing docs; these buyers don't want emails, only calls, and these realtors want all correspondence sent to another email. Whatever it is, those notes are only for that tab. We don't want to leave the tab to go find and read through all notes then go back into the tab to finish whatever you were doing. That gives too much room for overlooked notes. In each tab, there should be a box for notes, just like when you are in a physical file. We are completely paperless, and there is too much back and forth to ensure all notes are followed, and too much is being overlooked. When there is something important to make sure everyone knows in a quick glance without having to read ALL the notes for the file.

  • Admin
    Alyssa LeMay
    May 3, 2024


    With the Checklists, you can add events and have them start at a certain time within the file. If you don't need to work on something until a month in the process, let's say, you can set the Event Start to be 30 days from File Create. That event now won't show until you hit 30 days from when the file was created.

    Would this work for you?



Please add note section to Buyer/ Seller screens

Adding notes to the Buyer and Seller screens would be very helpful that there are special items such as a relationship (mother daughter) or email to one or any other items.
Guest 7 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 0 In Progress