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Workspace ClosingVue
Categories New Features
Created by Meredith Tellman
Created on Jun 12, 2024

Add a printable title insurance quote to the "Title Insurance Info" screen.

We would like to be able to generate a title insurance quote in the "Title Insurance Information" screen, just like you'd generate a jacket or CPL. Currently, we are creating quotes in the Starslink website with the "Rate Calculator" feature. We believe that since Closing Vue is partnered with Old Republic, this feature should be translated directly into the system. After all, we quote title insurance in Closing Vue in the "Title Insurance Information" screen, therefore we should be able to print off a breakdown! This visual breakdown is helpful for the borrower, lender, and title company to fully understand the costs of title insurance. I've attached an image of the quote from Starslink. We'd like the Closing Vue quote to be nearly identical.

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  • Christine Hunt
    Jun 18, 2024

    I think this is a great idea, the attorney I work for constantly asks for quotes for his clients, and this would make it so easy.