The doc stamps and intangible tax for Florida used to auto calculate and now you have to use the calculator before it will auto calculate. This is a complete pain. The calculator should be optional and not mandatory. This is a complete waste of time and is not helpful!
I'm sorry but you're wrong - it is not in the best interest of the users for this not to autocalculate and was never a problem before you made the change. It is one of THE requests in your system with the most votes. It is beyond frustrating and has already cost my company money becuause it does not auto calculate and doc stamps were missed. Please re-consider!
It is a shame that you will not even consider putting this back like it was. It is a set back for the system not to autocalculate. It is definitely not an improvment!!
This change could potentially put us, your customers, at a huge risk of not collecting doc stamps & intangible tax for transactions. If it worked in e-closing, I don't understand why you're unable to duplicate it in ClosingVue. It would be nice if you could find a work-around for this one. Truly could be very costly for us.
The change was necessary as the Recording Fee Calculator is able to pull in more calculations than our system generated calculations. This occasionally created additional lines on the Settlement Statements or conflicts and caused Escrow to go out of balance.
We do apologize for any frustrations this change has made, but we believe it is in the best interest of our users to keep their files in balance.