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Workspace ClosingVue
Categories Enhancements
Created by Michelle Mullis
Created on Oct 23, 2023

Create a better document tag list of all of the tags

Please update this document to create a better document tag list so that users are able to easily locate and copy & paste the tags when creating or updating custom documents. Currently it is a nightmare trying to find the correct tags and then ensure they are in a format where we can copy them to the rtf doc file.

Custom Document – How to Tag and Upload

Suggestions (until we can get an on screen editor with a drop down insert tag option:

  1. Create a .csv or tab delimited txt file all of E-Closing and ClosingVue tags so that we can open it in Notepad to copy and paste without added formatting breaking the code on the tag.

  2. Create a Word Doc with a table of all of the document tabs

Thank you!!

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Sara Casto
    Feb 5, 2024

    We have added a .csv file on our support page. You can also find the link to this in the user guide