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File Summary Page could be easier to read

Colored coded block with information for the various parties involved such as buyers, sellers, brokers and attorneys, etc. would make it easier to read.
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

add bold to Escrow Detail by File

Kevin Deeb requests that the Escrow Detail by file report has all total dollars for checks that need to be cut are in Bold, not just the items that have more than one line item.
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Correct Search Function

When searching for an order by name or number etc. e-closing will only find the order based on the way the order was placed and not modified. Example if you spelled the buyer or seller name incorrectly when you placed the order and vesting came ba...
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Deed Signature line for a LLC

In order to get the signature line of the deed to pull the LLC venue (a FL LLC) onto the signature line, you must include the venue under the corporation name. However, by adding the venue to the corporation name, ECDT then duplicates the venue on...
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 1 Implemented

Tiered Entities

The program is not usable when you have an LLC managed by another LLC, etc. Need to have the capability of tiered entities with proper signature lines and notary blocks. I have several entities that are either two tiered or three tiered entities.
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 1 Implemented

Seller and Buyer Attorney Info on Summary Page

The name of the attorney for seller or buyer does not appear on the Summary Page. It should appear under their seller or buyer name with their email and phone.
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Emails for sellers and buyers or borrowers to work

I don't know why the realtors emails work but the buyers and sellers do not, it would be so much easier then cutting and pasting that we could just click on the email and it work.
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Documents that are scanned or uploaded to file should be shown in chronological order.

I feel it would be help to all who opens the file via eclosings to search for the documentation that they are looking for. Due to the constraints of the Covid-19 virus, a lot of our employees are working from home. All documentation, such as Title...
Guest almost 5 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Real Estate Broker Commission Expressed as Percentage

Real estate commissions are almost always expressed as a percentage (%) as they are directly tied to the purchase price. The commission section should therefore ask a total commission %, and then each broker's separate percentage. Real estate comm...
Guest almost 5 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Make Lisitng and Selling Broker Phone Numbers plain text, not links on File Summary

In order to be able to select the phone number from the File Summary screen on a user's iPhone, please make the phone numbers for the Listing and Selling Broker's phone numbers plain text, not links that take to you to the Financial Information Sc...
Alyssa LeMay over 5 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented