It would be so helpful to be able to search files by the loan number that are given by the lender because a lot of lenders send wires or email & only provide that information.
Victoria Janni
5 months ago
in ClosingVue / Enhancements
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
Free the People! Give individuals the right to be Contacts! :D
Greetings, my fellow ClosingVue users (and developers): I'm going to throw this out there... Companies do not create people.People create companies. (gasp) SHOCKING! Isn't it? Sometimes we forget that people are the driving force behind every comp...
Add Drop Down Menu on Financial Screen for Place of Closing
on the financial screen, it would be an asset to have a dropdown to add place of Closing so that when I prepare Seller documents on a Seller REP file that i am able to have the macros filled in with this information.
Integrations with Domestic Relations Search and PACERS Bankruptcy Search
It would be very useful to have an integration set-up like the Patriot Search (sanctions) to search for bankruptcy (PACERS) and domestic relations liens since they are both required by the underwriter on all parties.
Qualia allows you to fill in the check memo area with information ie. insurance loan number / last name or whatever you'd like that prints on the check more professionally than adding it on the check once printed. Is this proprietary to Qualia? Or...
There should be a date for when the client comes in and signs. The projected closing date / closing date can be 2 different dates, therefore need an additional date for date of signing that doesn't conflict with the Whiteboard date. Also this clos...
Currently there is an option to add a column for notes but it is the whole file notes. I'd like to have the option to just show us if there are notes tagged to that specific event and when you click on it see those.
When sending an email to multiple people in Closing Vue, the recipients should be able to see who else is also included in the email. Since a list (either of names or email addresses) is not included in the email, no one knows who received the ema...
Add a notification when you recieve an Order in the notifications section
When you receive an order back from the underwriter, lien search or other vendor, a notification should show in e-closing. Right now, we only get an email, which is good but shouldn't it be inside e-closing as well?