It would be nice to be able to edit the subject line of emails being generated through e-closing. About 50% of recipients that received this mail dont open it because they think it's spam. OR it is automatically put into their spam folder. I spend...
When making changes to HUD defaults, the changes are retroactive, and affect all the open files, it would be less confusing and more effective and efficient to have the Defaults 'freeze' once a HUD or CD is created in a file.
We need a clear way for the Closer to see that a transaction is a Mail Away. Often this information is obtained early on, and when placed in Notes, the Note gets pushed to the bottom of the list.
Add a Field to the file dashboard for important information
If there is Probate, or if a Buyer or Seller is in a foreign Country, or some other situation that complicates a file, a clear alert needs to show next to the Seller or Buyer on the dashboard, alerting the Closer.
Would it be possible to add another column for a co-agent under the realtor information? We have several agents forming teams where they would like us to include another agent in addition to the main agent on some files but not others. Thank you!
Document Packages- separate docs by seller & buyer
It would be sweet if the document packages would group docs by who signs them, so you can only print buyer only documents without having to create a different package
It would be extremely useful if closed and cancelled files stood out from open and active files. For instance, if a file was closed or cancelled, if an alert would pop-up stating this or perhaps the background of the screen were a different color,...
Event status able to be sorted in alphabetical order
It is not the easiest thing to find an event when you have a bunch of them and they aren't seemingly in any recognizable order. It would be helpful if you could click on the list and sort them from A to Z.