We need a clear way for the Closer to see that a transaction is a Mail Away. Often this information is obtained early on, and when placed in Notes, the Note gets pushed to the bottom of the list.
Add a Field to the file dashboard for important information
If there is Probate, or if a Buyer or Seller is in a foreign Country, or some other situation that complicates a file, a clear alert needs to show next to the Seller or Buyer on the dashboard, alerting the Closer.
Document Packages- separate docs by seller & buyer
It would be sweet if the document packages would group docs by who signs them, so you can only print buyer only documents without having to create a different package
It would be extremely useful if closed and cancelled files stood out from open and active files. For instance, if a file was closed or cancelled, if an alert would pop-up stating this or perhaps the background of the screen were a different color,...
Event status able to be sorted in alphabetical order
It is not the easiest thing to find an event when you have a bunch of them and they aren't seemingly in any recognizable order. It would be helpful if you could click on the list and sort them from A to Z.
It would be nice to have the ability to template the email notification that goes out when an event is complete. As far as I can tell, at the moment, the software sends a notification via email telling the recipient they have a notification in e-c...
Currently the Drop down Menu for Attorneys in the borrowers information page is not organized Alphabetically, making it very difficult to find who we are looking for.