Add a feature that will help us send text notifications to our customers about our steps in the closing process. This will help them forecast the process and decrease the number of calls we get on a daily basis to prompt or follow up on progress.
Multiple county and parcel closings you have to split out and separately figure the tax and recording. It would be helpful to be able to add additional counties/recording to the recording area for the program to figure the tax and page count alloc...
revise tax proration calculation for NH fiscal year
Presently tax prorations are calculating on a 366-day year due to the 2/29 leap day. NH's fiscal tax year runs from 4/1 to 4/30, so we should calculate based on 365 days, not 366.
Add more boxes for alternate names for Buyers/Sellers
Please add a place to put alternate names for Buyers and Sellers. For instance, if the Deed was conveyed to Jane Smith but she got married and is n/b/m Jane Doe.
Have a closer option as well as the processor option/use team/use attorney
We would like to have an option that would allow us to have the processor as one option and a closer as another option. Currently the options are TEAM/PROCESSOR/ATTORNEY and we would like to add CLOSER. We set our Whiteboards to show files assigne...
almost 5 years ago
in E-Closing Core
Future Consideration