Partner Services should be in Title Policy Information Screen
Partner Services will not let your order a title search until you toggle the switch on the Title Policy information Screen, so I find I am working ahead through screens just to go back to order the search under the Property Screen/Partner Services.
The split feature only allows 1 split. There are often several, especially for commissions. The preferred way would be like a running ledger that shows you the remainder after each split and you can enter the payees all in 1 place.
about 3 years ago
in ClosingVue
Future Consideration
Contacts: Option to view Active Contacts by 1 category
I love the all contacts available in one list in the active list but at times when I'm trying to organize all our contacts. I would love to have the option to just see active for a specific category. Active Attorney list Active Brokers list ect. A...
Currently the selection of output for Escrow Detail by File is only PDF or Word. Since this is an accounting-type report, it would be helpful if this were in Excel. We provide CD balancing and disbursement ledger (only) services to other clients a...
The logic / flow of the fields/data entry should be reordered: the first block should have the general info + Deposit instead of it buried down with the commission and agent. Not all transactions have agents or commission and deposit doesn't reall...
Ed Walker
about 1 year ago
in ClosingVue
Feedback & Review
Events Checklist - different over due colors for different events
This would help us designate the overdue event to a specific person without overloading their emails. For example: Taxes and Abstracting both currently show up as red. It would be helpful if over due Taxes was red and Abstracting was blue. The per...
Current method of handling trust account reconciliation is inefficient and needs to be changed. When I start w E-Closing in 202 - the help desk told me to setup a closing file for posting the interest credit/debts each month. Its a cumbersome proc...
It would be great to be able to search file notes for keywords. As well as sort/search documents in the Document Mangement tab - sort by user, date saved.