Adding an option for a co-borrower on the financial information screen to pull over to the title.
At this time if there is a co-borrower that is not listed on title but is borrowing funds, we have to open the title commitment in word, add it into the section where it talks about the mortgage to verify there is a co-borrower and save it that wa...
I'm in central time and if I need emergency support after 4:00 (5:00 EST), I am out of luck. Sat on hold for 30 minutes then was told to leave a message after waiting all that time. No response to emails either.
The ability to "click/choose/mark" the proceeds/payoff or any outgoing disbursements as a wire within the escrow accounting screen without actually disbursing it as a wire (yet). So others that go into the file can see that it will be a wire WHEN ...
Alicia Kimbrough
about 1 year ago
in ClosingVue / New Features
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
Can we please have the option to add multiple signatories to Buyer/Seller Entities? As of now, we have to build in word, or use the + workaround, but the next time we close with the same client we have to re-enter everything.
Cherise Litz
10 months ago
in ClosingVue / Enhancements
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
a choice of a percentage or a dollar amount for Lender's Origination fee in the work flow.
I deal with many lenders who use a set dollar amount instead of a percentage. I would make things easier if than could be put in the financial screen rather than Manually on the CD.
I think it would be nice to allow letters to be put into the lookup # field on the "create file" screen. Instead it has to be numbers only. But over on "Miscellaneous Changes" screen it will allow you to put letters in your lookup numbers. We have...
Doubletime user - the documents module in e-closing/closing vue is very antiquated compared to the one in doubletime. With the new technology that is out it should be more advanced and not so limited to users. I should be able to create a Master D...
Pamela O'Steen
11 months ago
in ClosingVue / New Features
Duplicate / Existing Functionality