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Addition of Button of Copy BI Requirement to BII Exception

Similarly to how one can select a checkbox to add a BII exception or copy a BII exception to an owner's policy, one should be able to copy a BI requirement to make it a BII exception so that you don't have to manually add it in each time it is nee...
Jennifer Cohen 4 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 0 Feedback & Review

Add the number of checks needed to the print check screen

Add the number of checks needed to the print check screen near the starting check #. This would make it easier to know how many checks to pull from the check safe and confirm the next check number on the simultaneously to reduce errors.
Alicia Kimbrough over 1 year ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 1 Planned

Formerly Known As/Now Known As Field

Is there anyway to add a Formerly Known as/Now Known as field? When added behind last name it gets cut off.
Teresa Jacobs 9 months ago in ClosingVue / New Features 0 Feedback & Review


Add the property address to the header of each screen, by the screen name instead of the buyer or seller names. The property address is the main focus, not the parties and we are able to easily identify the file we are working on or reference the ...
Melissa Burke 5 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 1 Feedback & Review

Assigning Contacts to Roles - removing limitations

When assigning individuals to roles in the Financial section I am unable to assign a mortgage broker's team member into a role designated for a lender's team member, because the roles are Lender/Mortgage Broker specific in ClosingVue. To do so, I ...
Ava Larkin 3 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 0 Feedback & Review


Please make the HUD1-A a format that can be utilized the same way that the HUD-1 is. Many commercial lenders doing refinances use this form.
Denise Oberholzer 3 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 1 Planned

Add Notes to each Page/Contact

Updated summary: Would like to be able to add notes to each contact/tab so you don't have to sort through the notes on file summary. There are three phases of a file here. It would be helpful to be able to have a check list for each phase.
Gayle Hurst 7 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 5 In Progress
102 VOTE

Email templates

I would also like to add to your list of upcoming things to add to EC = Email templates. These would make life so much easier to just be able to click a button with the email that we start and choose a template that we need
Guest over 4 years ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 0 Planned

Add a long Vesting Line as in Doubletime

Everybody would benefit. Need line so that vesting is correct. Can not put correct vesting for Trust. This would help
Guest 10 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 0 Feedback & Review

The file number, name of the page and account info should remain at the top of the screen when scrolling down.

It's helpful to see what page you're on so you don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top. Currently the menu bar (File/Contacts/Escrow Mgmt/Back Office) remains visible but not the name of the page you're on.
Guest 10 months ago in ClosingVue / Enhancements 0 Feedback & Review