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My votes: E-Closing Core

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196 VOTE

Rolodex - Duplicate Prevention/Cleanup

It's very easy to create a new rolodex contact/company using the "New" buttons on Financial Info and Lender Info screens, but there's no duplicate prevention. And cleaning up duplicate contacts is only possible manually, one entry at a time. The m...
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 2 In Progress

Ability to add verbiage to CD line even if Zero Balance

Please add a function that we can add text verbiage to CD/Alta lines even if there is $0.00 in the value. For example, when we need to reference equity close outs on the CD/Alta but there is a zero balance. The text currently does not show when ge...
Guest over 3 years ago in E-Closing Core / Closing Portal 0 In Progress