It would be helpful if there was a place to make instructional notes in Escrow Accounting (e.g., seller requested wire for proceeds, FedEx proceeds check and legal fee to seller's attorney)
HOA Prorations Screen should be able to type the Amount per month or quarter instead of having to multiply by 12 or 4
when entering HOA Fees for you should be able to type in the amount for example the HOA has monthly of $200 you should be able to select monthly and type 200 in instead of having to take 200 x 12 and then it populates each month with the monthly a...
Can you please allow the ability to change the HOA proration text to reflect the actual time frame? Currently, it's only showing as annual whereas we have many monthly, semi-annual, quarterly, etc dues since not all are annual.
Add note section in each tab. Either in addition to or instead of having notes in it's own tab that we have to leave a section and read through all the notes to find any updates. Having a note box in the tabs so we can quickly make notes to the cl...
Your removal of auto calculated recording fees and taxes puts all of your users at risk. I see that your company stated in a former note that you will not reinstate the auto calculations. Could you at least do something to force the entry of somet...
Click to have same office as Listing and Selling Broker
Option to click "same" when the listing office and selling office are the same. Thinking of the time it would save not having to scroll thru all the Remax or Coldwell choices again to find exact same office. ALSO - ability to choose broker first t...
Having one contact have multiple "categories" - for example, a law firm can also be a closing agent. Additionally, having a separate category for "Settlement Agent" or "Closing Agent" so that a vendor that is an attorney can also be a settlement a...
Block out the "issue policy jacket" and not make it active until the commitment jacket is issued. ESPECIALLY for The Fund. It's extremely inconvenient to void jackets, then duplicate files just to issue new jackets.
Perhaps adding (unless I don't see it) a selection for a designated lender Attorney similar to the Attorney data entry fields for the Buyers and Sellers would be a good idea?