It would be helpful to have a place where deadlines could be calendared, such as deposit due dates, end of inspection periods, due dates for title commitment, and the loan approval deadline.
Donald Walters
7 months ago
in ClosingVue / New Features
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
Can we have the ability to choose who goes on the CPL?
If we have two buyers but only one is going on the loan, there is no way to remove the one that is a non borrowing buyer. Can we have an option to "deselect" a buyer if needed? This may also have something to do with the options under the buyer ta...
Transfer to Another File- add ability to transfer all payee line items at once
It would be helpful to be able to transfer all items payable to one payee to another file instead of having to individually transfer them when something has a lot of individual fees.
Our business at this point mainly concerns preparing judicial titles (some are insurable through our underwriter and others are simply a report) for foreclosure actions. It is important to be able to see the data from the title abstract report fro...
Melissa Burke
5 months ago
in ClosingVue
Future Consideration
Events Schedule Date Triggered by Previous Event Completed
For event checklist, add an additional option type for Schedule basis (start) and Completion basis (due) date to something like Prior Event Completed. The idea is to add an event once another event has been completed and calculate the due date bas...
Advertisements/Wasted space on whiteboard screen needs to go away
The wasted space at the top of the main screen needs to be reduced. I don't need to see my name in big letters or the background vistas. The notices on the far right (with the rotating notices) is distracting. IF there is a new alert along the lin...
Instead of lumping all buyers and all sellers to be able to access documents, we need to specify which seller and which buyer can access the documents. If there is sensitive information on the documents that the other party does not want released ...
Add a feature that will help us send text notifications to our customers about our steps in the closing process. This will help them forecast the process and decrease the number of calls we get on a daily basis to prompt or follow up on progress.