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E-Closing Core

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Staying in Company in Rolodex

When I'm entering multiple people to a company, it would be useful to stay inside a company's Rolodex entry so I don't have to keep searching the company to add more people to it.
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Email address for Lender Final Closing Docs

We would like to be able to add an email address for the Lender's Final Closing Docs address. Sometimes, we have to email the mortgage and policy once the transaction is closed, and sometimes it is a different email address.
Marc Hall over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core 0 Implemented

Auto-calculate seller proceeds checks based on % in seller info screen

If there are multiple sellers in a file, each getting different %'s, it only generates one seller proceeds check in Escrow Accounting. I do know the trick to click on split disbursement, and put in the % code, but I can only split off of the total...
Guest over 5 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 1 Implemented

Rolodex - Enough of the endless scrolling

On top of the Rolodex have the Alphabet written on with hyperlinks to lists. If I click on S. All contacts that begin with S will appear and so on. Rolodex lists are getting longer but endless scrolling is outdated. We need a quicker way to find t...
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / New Features 0 Implemented

When there are multiple sellers, ability to have software automatically generate seperate seller checks

1099s are issued based on % of Seller ownership in properties, so why can't there be an option to have Seller net proceeds automatically issue checks in that same percentage? Its a pain to redo the checks in escrow accounting if the numbers on a s...
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented


It would be very helpful if multiple barcodes could be added to a document package. We use separate barcodes for buyers, sellers, lenders and the ability to print them all along with the documents would be great.
Guest about 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 1 Implemented

Please put borrowers names in search list

when you search by a name it only pulls in addresses so you have to go through the list to find the one you want....example "smith" then a list of everything comes up but no names to go directly too you only see file number and address
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

HOA proration screen add a place for description instead of standard

I often change the description of the standard HOA payment and I have to change it in two places for it to show on CD and escrow check.
Debra Mummaw over 1 year ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 0 Implemented

Addition of Buyer/Seller DOB field.

Addition of field to input individual buyer or seller's DOB. It would be helpful in distinguishing buyer/seller with common name.
Guest over 4 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 1 Implemented

Lender fees automatically net funded

Kindly set up escrow defaults that lender fees are automatically set to be net funded. I would say 99% our our transactions are net funded. Thankyou
Guest about 3 years ago in E-Closing Core / Enhancements 1 Implemented