Generate Events Based on Completion of Prior Events
When set up in the back office, certain event(s) will be automatically generated when you mark an event as complete in a given checklist. The schedule function in checklists can be modified for this. Additionally, when inside the file a pop-up men...
I would like for the process of doing prorations to flow from the worrksheets to the Settlement Statement so that I do not have to go in and out of the HUD maintenance platform all the time to check the input and math.
Buyer Info/Forwarding Address - Need "Use Property Address Button"
When buyers are purchasing a home, they most likely will be using the property as their primary residence - Currently there is only a "Use Current Address" button
It's all good to have all the parties during the transaction for the Lender but it also the post-closers that we have to deal with ... they should have a section for their information just like the processor, closer, funder, etc.
I am suggesting a complete removal of the text description screen and instead utilize the data entry fields that are mostly already there to populate any policy or commitment. There is a chain of title screen, an encumbrance screen and exception s...
Contacts: If an agent/person becomes inactive automatically remove from the company's list
If an agent becomes inactive it should not show up on the active list of a company anymore even if Italicized because we should be able to see how are the only the active agents under those companies.
Flower Victoria
about 1 year ago
in ClosingVue
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