Be able to deduct from a contact's fees if they are selected as paid by other
For example, if the agent is paying something as part of closing and it is in the paid by other column, that you have the option to deduct it from their commission. Right now it will create an incoming funds line in the ledger/register.
Transmit File Number Reference when paying Title Policy Invoices by ACH
When reconciling ClosingVue activity with the bank statement, the bank statement gives no information as to which invoice the ACH is paying. The department processing the "Pay Invoice by ACH" transactions in ClosingVue needs to send identifying in...
Selecting Checks to print - by default boxes should be unchecked.
When going to print checks - the default should be all unchecked. (or at least an option to make that default like was added in the document packages) to save unnecesary clicking. If I want to unselect a check that has three lines / payments to it...
Hello! It would be nice if for the Borrower’s info screen, under Address, under Forwarding address, there was also a “Copy from Property” button in addition to the “Copy from Current Address” button.
We often use the buyer's current mailing address throughout the transaction processing, but have to manually enter the property address on the forwarding address screen if they intend to occupy the property post-closing.
I would like for the requirements, exceptions and legal to be justified in the commitments. Would also like to see spaces between each line to more easily find mistakes while typing.
about 4 years ago
in ClosingVue
In Progress
I think it would be nice to allow letters to be put into the lookup # field on the "create file" screen. Instead it has to be numbers only. But over on "Miscellaneous Changes" screen it will allow you to put letters in your lookup numbers. We have...
It would be a great visual help to have the contrast increased on the whiteboard, there is currently very faint shading to help separate the file names, it is too faint.