Please allow for spouses names to generate on one 1099S form for signature with the primary SSN as the only one listed, rather than generating a separate form for the spouse showing $0. In Doubletime, there was a box to check to "include spouse" o...
Adding a new company type to the Rolodex the Company drop down menu
Perhaps adding more company type selections for New Rolodex Company additions would come in handy for law firms, accountants, engineers, surveyors, architects, and other professional services i.e. Partnership, LLC etc
It would be better if HUD1 Print Options was not a dropdown because you will need to select it every time and it does not take up much space on the page.
Our office submits all our UPS reciept to another dept. for monthly comparison. When creating a UPS, we are only given the option to print the label and not a reciept. I have been printing multiple labels but would rather have one label (for use) ...
Alicia Kimbrough
4 months ago
in E-Closing Connect
Will Not Implement
Virginia Deed Tax Calculation using Assessed Value if higher than Sale Price
Virginia bases their deed taxes for transfers on the assessed value or sale price, whichever is higher. It looks like the software defaults to the sale price or appraised value. It would be great if it looked at the assessed value of the property ...
Add the property address to the header of each screen, by the screen name instead of the buyer or seller names. The property address is the main focus, not the parties and we are able to easily identify the file we are working on or reference the ...
I would like to see a copy icon added to the fields on the file menu and/or buyer info and seller info tabs. Currently, you can try to highlight, right-click and copy (or Ctl + C) from the file menu, however, as soon as you select the buyer or sel...
Angeline DeShazo
4 months ago
in ClosingVue
Duplicate / Existing Functionality
The Scheduler was difficult enough to get to when it was at the top of the Back Office page, too many clicks navigating through different pages. Now that it moved to the bottom of the Back Office it's that much more inconvenient to get to. Really ...